One of the controls in the CodeJock product suite is a trayicon. Your application can when used minimize to the tray instead of the taskbar. A popup with commercial information can be shown and it is possible to have a DataFlex driven floating menu popping up when a right mouse click is given.
To use this library you need to purchase the CodeJock Suite Controls.
- Its useful for applications that continuously run, but you dont actively use all the time. Think of Microsoft Teams, Outlook etc.
- Or for applications you frequently use, but you dont want them to take up space in the taskbar
- When closing an application used in the system tray it doesnt completely shut down, which results in a faster start up time when opening the application again
- You can add options for the context menu to the applications in the system tray. You can add elements to the pop up menu when right clicking the icon. Think of actions mostly used for that application