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Download Quill Editor

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The Quill Editor is an open-source WYSIWYG web editor with a very small footprint. It allows you to store formatted HTML content in your database records.

It supports embedding images and code sections with code highlighting among other features for advanced users. It is easy to setup and even has partial Unicode Support without DataFlex 20.

Have you used the Froala Editor in the past? Quill is able to read your content without a problem!

Changelog since v1.4
  • Added DataFlex 24.0 support.
  • Upgraded to Quill v2.0.2.
  • Fixed image upload in Flextron (non-inline).
  • Added selection function. To be able to get the begin/end of the selection and the selection itself.
  • Added Focus and Blur support that was missing.
Publisher: Data Access Worldwide Version: For DataFlex 24.0 Publication: June 19, 2024 File size: 14.5 MB


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Prior versions

Changelog for this version (1.4)

  •  Added DataFlex 23.0 support.
  • Bug Fixes in the toolbar.
  • Improved FlexTron Support.
  • Improvements in Data-Aware mode.

Changelog for this version (1.2)

  • The Editor’s field is by default white to indicate ’disabled’ (gray) when pbEnabled is False.
  • Custom Fonts and Sizes don’t need to be put coded in CSS anymore; it’s is now all done automatically.
  • pbInlineImages, allows for inlining images in base64 blobs within the HTML (Do look out for Field Sizes which might cause loss of data).
  • Most styling is now inline which makes the editor more E-mail (template) compatible.
  • A new Function HasChanged(), can be used to know whether a user has typed something in the editor.
  • Fixed stability issues when changing fonts and sizes.

Changelog for this version (1.1)

  • Fixed a bug where pbEnabled did not fully disable the control. 
  • Fixed a bug where ’V’ triggered a paste.



