The QR and Barcode Scanner (cWebScanner) is a standalone component that provides a way of scanning a vast number of barcode formats. It is based on Googles ZXing (ZebraCrossing) library and wrapped for easy use in DataFlex WebApps.
Supported formats are:
- 1-Dimensional
- code_128_reader (default)
- ean_reader
- ean_8_reader
- code_39_reader
- code_39_vin_reader
- codabar_reader
- upc_reader
- upc_e_reader
- i2of5_reader
- 2of5_reader
- code_93_reader
- 2-Dimensional
- QR
Watch this DataFlex Learning Center course to see how the DataFlex QR and Barcode Sanner works. Henri demonstrates the library and shows how to integrate it to your applications!