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Download Froala Web Editor

Downloads DataFlex Froala Editor
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In most web applications, at some point you will have need for an editor, to enter text. For software developers, there are several options out there. Each may have its own feature-set, pricing, licensing and flexibility as how to integrate it in the DataFlex web framework.

With the DataFlex Wrapper for the Froala editor it can be embedded into your applications. Froala claims to produce the smartest and world’s most beautiful WYSIWYG HTML editor. It promises high performance and simple design. The DataFlex wrapper makes it very easy to add a text editor to your web applications.

The DataFlex Wrapper is free to use, the Froala product self is not free. Make sure to check out which license is appropriate for you. Want to see Froala working in a simple demo, click here. 



Publisher: Data Access Worldwide Version: For DataFlex 24.0 Publication: March 13, 2024 File size: 11,7 MB Thirdparty License: View thirdparty license


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Prior versions

Library update

The library has been updated to work with the latest Froala Editor version (v4). This version has been rewritten at its core, doing away with jQuery dependencies and changing how things like initializing the editor, attaching events, etcetera work. As of such, substantial changes have been made to the wrapper library to accommodate these changes.

This version of the Froala library will only work with Froala versions v4 and above. For older versions of the Froala Editor, please use previous versions of the Froala Library.

New features


When pbShowButtonPrint is set to True allows for direct printing of the editor contents. To use this, the Print extension must be included.

Upload and insert images

The image manager has been expanded with direct uploading of images to be inserted in the editor. For this pbUploadImages must be set to True (default).

From here, implement OnImageUpload to return the path to upload the file to, as well as OnImageFinished to return a publicly accessible URL for the uploaded image. To make images publicly accessible, either place them in a subfolder of your AppHtml folder, or write a custom Http Handler to map your images to public URLs.

Images can now be copied and pasted directly into the editor. By default, image uploading happens when a Save is executed, until then a placeholder image (BASE64) is shown.

Configurable Enter Key behavior

Set peEnterKey to one of the predefined values to change the default Enter key behavior to insert either a new paragraph, new div or simply a line break.

Paste from word

When including the word paste plugin, allows formatting from Word to be converted to Froala format.

pbAskKeepWordFormat (default True) will popup a dialog asking if you would like to convert Word format to Froala.

Code Beautifier

Works out of the box, makes code sections in the editor look cleaner.

Version 1.0.2 supports currently newest (2.6.2) Froala editor version.



