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Download DataFlex Studio Launcher

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DataFlex Studio Launcher


If you installed DataFlex Studio following the defaults you can double click an SWS file in Windows explorer and the Studio will be lauched with the instruction to load the workspace from this file.

An SWS file contains the version number of the workspace and when this does not match the current Studio offers to convert the workspace. This is a great but not always desired feature. The DFStudioLauncher determines the workspace version and loads the appropriate Studio version (must be installed of course) instead.

Starting DFStudioLauncher standalone register this tool as the tool to be started when you double click an SWS file.

Publisher: Data Access Worldwide Version: For DataFlex 24.0 Publication: March 13, 2024 File size: 971 kB


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Prior versions

Changes since the 20.1 version

  • Support for DataFlex 23.0 SWS registry key changes
  • Compiled with DataFlex 23.0

Changes since the RC version

  • Support for DataFlex 20.1 SWS registry key changes
  • No longer assume keyname connected to SWS entry

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 20.0 installation.

Changes since v19.1.2

  • 64 bit version of the tool
  • Starts the 64 bit version of DataFlex Studio for v20 and the 32 bit version for v19.1 or older
  • Increased version number

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 19.1 installation.


Changes since v19.1.1.0

  • Fixed problem with SWS file assosiation (requires more rights to alter the registry than before)
  • Increased version number
  • Fixed typo in description

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 19.0 installation.

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 18.2 installation.

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 18.0 installation.

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 17.0 installation.

This version of the DataFlex Studio Launcher runs on with DataFlex 15.1 installation.

See older versions



