DataFlex Structure Viewer, a free third party tool, especially designed for DataFlex developers.
The DataFlex framework relies heavily on well designed database relationships. Joins on database tables are automatically performed if database relationships are properly set up. To get an insight in the working of complex database applications this tool might be some help. Undesigned diamond relationships (though supported by DataFlex) can be made visible within minutes.
It first need to scan the workspace environment. When all relationships have been scanned the DataFlex Structure Viewer can produce a graphical overview of your underlying system. The result provides an editable vector-based view, so you can modify the layout after the initial scan. It can be stored as picture, to include the new graphics in a report to document your system.
You will need a DataFlex Development or Client License to run the program, but the tool can scan older versions of DataFlex as well as all (registered) DataFlex workspaces. DataFlex Structure Viewer is completely written in DataFlex and makes use of some third party activex components.