A decent Windows application should have an about dialog with information about the application that runs. It usually includes copyright and version information and an image for product branding. Any DataFlex application can add an about dialog via a template or just augment the Activate_About method with project name, version number etc. The standard about dialog contains a button to popup a dialog with system information like the current Windows user, the currently used DataFlex license, the loaded database drivers and a few more items.
The About & Sysinfo library enhance this all by adding a dialog in which the project name comes from your application object, the version information from the executable and last but not least a very much extended and organized system information dialog. A user can pretty much find all system information related to the application in a treeview style view.
How to use? Simply add the library to your workspace and add the about.dg to the project code and the rest is handled for you.
Contains the following MSDN Windows API wrapped functions
- CloseHandle
- EnumProcessModules
- GetAllUsersProfileDirectory
- GetCalendarInfo
- GetComputerName
- GetApplicationCurrentProcessId
- GetDefaultUserProfileDirectory
- GetDoubleClickTime
- GetDriveType
- GetKeyboardLayoutName
- GetKeyboardType
- GetLogicalDriveStrings
- GetLongPathName
- GetProfilesDirectory
- GetShortPathName
- GetSystemDirectory
- GetTempPath
- GetUserDefaultLangID
- GetUserName
- GlobalMemoryStatusEx
- OpenProcess
- PathFindExtension
- PathIsDirectory