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Download DataFlex Reports - Icons

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DataFlex Reports - Icons


When you started multiple DataFlex Reports Studio’s  from multiple DataFlex Reports versions at the same time you can change the icon to be used by Windows.

You cannot change the build in product branding icon but change the icon of a desktop shortcut or a pinned application.

For shortcuts:

  • Right mouse click on the shortcut
  • Select "properties"
  • Click the button labeled "Change icon"
  • Select a different icon or click the browse button to go to an external ICOn file

For non-shortcuts:

  • Start the application (e.g. DataFlex Reports 2016 Developer Edition)
  • Right mouse click on the icon that shows you’ve started the product
  • Right mouse click on the first menu item with the product name (e.g. "DataFlex Reports 2017 Developer Edition")
  • Select "properties"
  • Click the button labeled "Change icon"
  • Select a different icon or click the browse button to go to an external ICOn file

For a version number icon download one of the icon sets available at this page.

Publisher: Data Access Worldwide Version: 24.0 Publication: March 20, 2024 File size: 10 Kb


For support go to:


Prior versions

Download prior versions of DataFlex Reports icons

DataFlex Reports v8
DataFlex Reports v7
DataFlex Reports v6
DataFlex Reports v5



