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DataFlex Reports - Developer Edition


This version is developed with the software developer in mind. As a developer you can create and integrate reports in your application. In case of Windows applications, the reports and the appropriate runtime components, can be distributed freely along with your application.

Reports can also be integrated in web applications. For deployment, a small fee per server is required.


  • Crosstab/Pivot-tables
  • Charts
  • Barcodes
  • Stand style reports
  • Label style reports
  • Page layers
  • Data Sources: DataFlex Embedded, ODBC, RDS, SQLite 


DataFlex Reports 2024 Developer (1)
DataFlex Reports 2024 Developer (2)
DataFlex Reports 2024 Developer (3)
DR Studio - Field Properties
DR Studio - Database Expert
DataFlex Reports 2024 Developer (4)
DataFlex Reports 2024 Developer (5)
Publisher: Data Access Worldwide Version: 2024/24.0 Publication: March 20, 2024 File size: 195,7 MB


Supported versions

  • DataFlex Reports 2024 / 24.0
  • DataFlex Reports 2023 / 8.2
  • DataFlex Reports 2022 / 8.1

Prior versions

Download Prior DataFlex Reports versions 

DataFlex Reports 2023/8.2 changes:

  • Added a text justification option to field properties.
  • Added option ‘All variables in functions must be declared’ to report options. Note this option is not set for existing reports but is set by default for new reports. This option generates an error when a variable (either global or local) is used without being declared in the function where it is used.
  • Improved creating DSN-less connection for DB2 database.
  • Date formatting does not read previous settings correctly.
  • Monitor on left of main monitor flickers when hovering.
  • GPF when using a sub-report with a page layer.
  • GPF when running a RDS based report without data.
  • Report footer could be printed through the details section.
  • Report based on a SQL statement with varchar(max) and datetime colums do not show data.
  • ‘Graphic data and graphic functions are not supported’ error when using DB2 with OEM data.
  • An empty report outputs an empty page when printing to printer or exporting even when option ‘Suppress Printing if no Records’ is set.
  • Object could be selected twice when an already selected object was selected using the lasso.
  • Possible incorrect value of a global variable in a PageFooter section when option ‘Print at bottom of page’ was used.
  • Bigint column in database was reported as ‘Integer’ type instead of ‘Double integer’.
  • Using arithmetic operators in a Filter Function could return incorrect results.
  • ‘Required message argument missing’ error in ‘Change Datasource’ wizard.

This is the release version for DataFlex Reports 2022 version 8.1. Compared to DataFlex Reports v8.0 the following improvements and fixes can be found in this update:

New Features

  • The DSN less connection configuration page in the ODBC database connection page has been altered. The database name can now be entered manually. When the database driver does not require selecting a database it can be omitted. There is an extra input field for connection string attributes which might be used for a specific connection
  • Crosstable now reports an error when the minimum output does not fit on a page 
  • Update If feature in maintenance utility now processes sub-reports


  • Stored procedures parameter support has been improved
  • RTF export issue with numbers has been fixed
  • Crash on sub-reports using variable length fields has been fixed
  • Where clause in SQL select statement no longer uses double quotes when the value contains a single quote
  • Double integer export to Excel has been fixed
  • Chr() function can now be used to print unicode characters
  • Finding deleted columns in check database dialog is now possible
  • Improved keyboard navigation in Studio’s menus
  • ODBC datasource selection painting issue addressed
  • ComReportInfo function missed groups when group headers were repeated on the next page, fixed
  • Crosstab values sometimes did not appear, fixed
  • Text object lost leading spaces on saving report definition
  • Fixed the problem that an SQL statement based report could not be altered
  • CSS change for HTML previewer fixes
  • CSV export options for field and value delimiter were reversed
  • BOM character in DrExportOptions.dg for DataFlex 19.1 removed
  • Help files updates. Help file now contains the DR logo in the title bar to avoid confusion with other help files

This is the first update to DataFlex Reports 2021 v8. It carries version number 8.0.1.  The following changes are present in this release:


  • Added an option to automatically create a JSON file with the report definition when saving a .DR file. This option makes it easier to quickly see changes made in the report definition using tools such as GIT 
  • The option to show SQL stored procedures was broken, fixed 
  • Error in Manual activation dialog 
  • Function name input field shorter than before


  • Select case variable is not array error fixed 
  • Can’t find a row in DataFlex data when a German u-umlaut is used 
  • Page N of M was not shown correctly in translation 

Integration library 

  • Zoom factor comboform in Windows preview dialogs did not use the piPreviewZoom property value of the report resulting in a difference between previewer and value shown 
  • Support of peExportType in web as in Windows 
  • Create large/big integer RDS columns when length is larger than 11 
  • Set Objectname in RDS report to table.columname instead of columnname 
  • Add BOM character to v20 source code when DataFlex Studio option contains this option 
  • Support possibly filename change in CollectXXXExportOptions in DRexportOptions.dg 
  • Currentpage spinform in Windows preview dialogs now limited to the real page range 


  • Dr.db file distributed was “dirty 

DataFlex Reports v7 runs side-by-side with older versions. Note that saving the report definition file (.dr) with v7 makes it not accessible with v6.2 or older anymore.

New features

  • Edit in preview
  • Locale per report
  • Updated integration library
  • Updated help


Important information for existing DataFlex Reports users:

Existing reports

The .dr (or .vrw for older reports) report definition format has changed between version 6.x and 6.2. If you save reports with this version of DataFlex Reports, you can no longer use them in previous versions.

Special caution with regards to this: when opening reports that were created with an older version it is advised to run the ‘check database’ option.

Font sizes are calculated differently in version 6.0 and up of DataFlex Reports. This can have an effect on the layout of existing 5.0 reports.

DataFlex Reports version 6 calculates font sizes differently compared to previous versions. This means the overall size of text may differ and can cause clipping of fields which did not occur in previous versions. Also, when using small fonts (less than 10 pts) the text may appear more greyish compared to previous versions.

String comparison in expression evaluator

String comparison in previous versions of DataFlex Reports (up to and including DataFlex Reports 6.0 Beta I) were case-insensitive. Starting with version 6 Beta II, a new option ‘Use case-sensitive comparison in functions’ has been added to address what should be considered a bug. For example the following function would return “case insensitive”.

The option ‘Use case-sensitive comparison in functions’ is turned on by default for new reports. Existing reports have this option turned off to ensure backward compatibility. We strongly recommend you keep this option turned on for all new reports and advise you check your existing reports and turn this option on if your report(s) do no rely on case-insensitive string comparison.

Please note only string comparison operators <, <=, =, >=, > and <> are affected by this option.

Integration library

For existing DataFlex Reports 6.2 Beta users, please re-attach the integration library in your web projects to ensure the JS and CSS files are up-to-date.

Before deploying please update the integration library in your workspace(s) and recompile your application(s). After attaching the 6.2 library to your workspace(s) you should run the ‘Scan for images’ option in the DataFlex Reports Studio project properties dialog to replace the BMP files in you project’s .cfg file with the new ICOns.

The cWebDRReportViewer class is updated. Please make sure you check the ‘Copy APPHTML\DataFlex Reports Folder contents’ checkbox after attaching the new integration library in your web projects.

The existing cWebDRReport class which was introduced in DataFlex Reports version 4 is now considered obsolete. The class is still available for backward compatibility but there are no functional differences between the cWebDRReport and cDRReport classes. The availability of web only properties and methods is determined by the project type (Windows of Web) being compiled.

Previous versions of the integration library wizard generated the events ‘OnProgressRecorsRead’ and ‘OnProgressFormatPage’ when creating code for a windows project. These events are no longer generated and the events can be removed from existing code if not altered.

Use of IS$WEBAPP in DataFlex Studio

To ensure the DataFlex Studio will correctly handle labels for GUI controls and avoid warnings in the problem resolution panel of the DataFlex Studio you should add the IS$WEBAPP to the Tools | Configure Workspace | Conditionals | Workspace #IFDEF conditionals for your DataFlex Studio version 16.0 - 19.0 Windows GUI applications.

Important Information – Please Read Carefully


DataFlex Reports 2018 – 6.2 is developed with DataFlex 19.0. If you do not have a version 19.0 Client License running on your PC, the setup will automatically install one for you.

DataFlex 16.x, 17.x, 18.x or 19.0 Studio license is required to use the Integration library which is part of DataFlex Reports 2018 Developer Edition.

DataFlex Reports 2018 – 6.2 can run side-by-side with previous versions of DataFlex Reports.

Supported platforms

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows 8 excluding RT
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium or higher
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 including R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 including R2
    • All of the above are supported in 32 and 64 bit editions
  • Windows Terminal Services when using Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008
  • Citrix XenApp when used in conjunction with other supported Windows operating systems


DataFlex Reports 6.2 will run as a 60-day trial version. If you start DataFlex Reports you will be asked to register your version. To register, you need to purchase a license. Registering will lift the trial period. After registering your license you have a 60 day period to activate your license. Make sure you have an internet connection, and simply confirm the activation.
Click here to learn where you can order your license.

Changes between Beta I and RC I


  • Median support
  • New reset page number logic
  • Improved HTML export
  • CLOB and DBCLOB support for DB/2

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 5433 Cannot create a report based on a Stored Procedure
  • HDE 5451 Paste in a textbox pastes text AND any object on the clipboard
  • HDE 5430 Parameters not removed after removing a Stored Procedure from a report
  • HDE 5437 Month name in English, long date in German
  • HDE 5506 Check database on a SQL based report does not detect changes (only when run a second time)
  • Fixed crash when a function in a CrossTab generates an error
  • Fixed problem when deleting a function which is used in a Chart
  • Fixed problem with copying between reports when copied from report is closed before pasting
  • HDE 5641 Problem with ’Total page count’ and ’Page N of M’ special fields when used with case statement

Changes between Beta I and Beta II

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed incorrect internal version id in the Maintenance utility
  • Fixed problem with dates in DataFlex driver
  • Fixed problems with missing DataFlex runtime files in the installation
  • HDE 5471/5406 fixed ‘Dialog failed’ error when creating a new report based on a SQL statement
  • HDE 5468 Fixed ‘index out of bounds’ error when creating report based on SQL statement via Database Expert
  • HDE 5470 Current connection in Database Expert does not show SQL statement
  • HDE 5469 Fixed ‘Table mismatches’ error when using Check database on a SQL statement report and changing the statement
  • HDE 5427 Fixed problem with umlaute character (accentuated characters)
  • HDE 5429 Cannot create SQL based report from Database Expert
  • HDE 5475 Wrong icon in toolbar
  • HDE 5449 ODBC connection wizard creates incorrect SERVER when using managed connections with MS-SQL
  • HDE 5434 Create DSN less connection does not allow you to specify a server not listed in the combo
  • HDE 5431 Managed connection list is not automatically populated and does not include connection information
  • HDE 5466 Incorrect data when using SQLite SQL statement
  • HDE 5461 Browse data does not work on SQLite database
  • HDE 5462 Weird characters when using SQLite database with accentuated characters
  • HDE 5291 Paint problem in Designer (design tab) when scrolling a label report horizontally


  • Added DataFlex 19.1 library
  • DF_Material support (new default theme for 19.1)

Changes between 6.1.5 and 6.2

New features:

  • Added Crosstabs (pivot-tables)
  • Ability to copy DataFlex Reports Studio options from the install program
  • Added SQLite driver
  • Added Connection string to ODBC connection wizard
  • Option to show errors when connecting to a Data source
  • Added formatting functions: FormatDate(), FormatTime(), FormatNumber(), FormatCurrency() and FormatInteger()
  • Bigint support
  • HDE 3312 Option for exporting to Excel in native datatype
  • Side-by-side support for the DataFlex Reports Studio
  • DataFlex Reports Studio is now DPI aware and has new icons
  • HDE 4104 Added Import and Export of RDS tables and sample data to RDS
  • Added ability to hide/show row number in RDS sample data dialog
  • Hide barcode text and default barcode type
  • Added functions for the position and size of objects
  • Added UnitInch(), UnitCm() and UnitPt() functions

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 5135
  • HDE 5019 Fixed broken link in the Control Panel’s ‘Programs and Features’ for DataFlex Reports
  • HDE 5040 ‘Size To Font’ option no longer allowed on barcode
  • HDE 5273 Fixed keys (line Tab and Enter) not working in search dialog
  • HDE 5146 Installer no longer removes DR registration files during uninstall
  • HDE 5224 Problem with position of Group Header in a subreport
  • HDE 5092 Exporting a report with Page Layers to Excel will result in blank lines
  • HDE 4523
  • HDE 5266/5253 Fixed ‘Unable to read report (possibly damaged)’ error when report contains empty functions
  • HDE 5022 Fixed problem with empty (NULL) Memo and Binary columns displaying random characters
  • HDE 5030
  • HDE 5315 Find dialog does not get the focus


  • HDE 5272 OnPreviewClick no longer redirects errors to cDRReport object
  • HDE 5178 Fixed bug in export file name
  • HDE 5293
  • HDE 5281 Error message after pressing Help (F1) in Integration Wizard
  • Library is now DPI aware and has new icons

Changes between 6.1.4 and 6.1.5

  • HDE 5197
  • HDE 5140
  • HDE 4847 Collapse all option for Report Explorer
  • HDE 4481
  • HDE 5180 Fixed problem with purged functions
  • HDE 5127 Undo button does not work with Pagelayers
  • HDE 4834 Implemented Alt+Up and Alt+Down for Report Explorer and Experts
  • HDE 4440 Save or Save as of a report with a .vrw extension will change extension to .dr
  • HDE 5129


  • HDE 5178 DRExportOptions.dg sets the filename to the correct extension
  • HDE 5196 Fixed problem in Wizard when using Windows integration
  • HDE 5131 Fixed problem when clicking in preview before report has run

Changes between 6.1.3 and 6.1.4

  • HDE 4683 Keep RDS sample data after changing RDS database
  • Allow RDS name to be changed
  • HDE 5103 Fixed problem with reports bases on SQL statement with string parameters
  • HDE 5075 Fixed problem with RDS alias names
  • HDE 5104
  • HDE 3618 Added row number column in RDS sample data dialog
  • HDE 5079 Fixed problem with purge functions not working in Maintenance tool
  • HDE 5072 Fixed problem with Shift-Click not working in the Report Explorer
  • HDE 5084 Fixed Invalid message ‘OnExitObject’ when focus moves to Report Explorer while editing a text object
  • HDE 5082
  • HDE 4691 Added ability to remove the collating sequence in report, the F5 key now resets to default collate
  • HDE 5098 Fixed problem with default column in Insert Group dialog
  • HDE 5082
  • HDE 5109 Fixed ‘Referenced array index out of bounds’ error in Report/Field Explorer
  • HDE 5112 Top & bottom border of a subreport are not printed when Page header / footer are hidden in the subreport
  • HDE 5107
  • HDE 5046
  • HDE 4918
  • HDE 4931
  • HDE 4865
  • Updated integration library
  • Updated help

Changes between 6.1 and 6.1.3

  • Fixed type conversion problem in SQL() function
  • Binary data can now be stored in RDS sample dialog
  • Fixed problem with saving functions when switching between functions in the function editor
  • HDE 5062 Increased maximum font size from 100 to 500 pts
  • HDE 5035 Empty functions are no longer automatically deleted
  • HDE 5042 Fixed problem with background color for barcodes
  • Updated integration library
  • Updated help

Changes between 6.0 and 6.1

  • Managed connection support (use the ODBC driver to use the new Managed Connections)
  • Added Russian language & collate
  • Added Hungarian language
  • Navigating in the report explorer now selects object in the design tab
  • Added Show Subreports option to Function Explorer
  • Added Find by Function ID option to Function Explorer
  • Added Import registration information to Registration dialog
  • Updated documentation

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4914
  • HDE 4950 Page layers only appear on first two pages
  • HDE 4937 ODBC memo fields have a default height/length of zero
  • HDE 4959 Validate Collate file name in designer
  • HDE 4939 OEM/ANSI translate problem in Windows menu
  • HDE 4958 OEM/ANSI translate problem when switching language
  • HDE 4955 Studio shows wrong function when error occurs in a subreport
  • Group numbers are off by one after printing a subreport
  • Added message to find in Preview when string is not found
  • HDE 5002 Fixed problem with screens appearing gray
  • HDE 5010 Crash when printing barcode without data
  • Fixed problem with NVARCHAR(MAX) fields not displaying any data
  • Fixed problem with variable length fields (Memo and Binary) not working in Filter Function for the ODBC driver
  • Fixed error on first argument of the Propercase() function


  • Improved feedback when a function error occurs, including the possibility to copy the Function ID and the ability to find the Function ID in the DR Designer.
  • HDE 4969!!!

Changes between RC II and Release

  • Updated documentation
  • Added option to integrate the DataFlex Reports help into the DataFlex 19.0 Help system

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4909 Incorrect summaries when used inside a group based on a function
  • HDE 4886/4922
  • HDE 4915 Group Sort Expert changes the sum to sort on when navigating through the groups
  • Fixed ’Invalid cursor state’ error when using SQL() function
  • Fixed problem with incompatible data-types returned from SQL() function

Changes between RC and RC II

  • Updated documentation
  • PreviewWaitingGIF() property added
  • Added option to set the ‘Wrap state’ of existing reports to the Maintenance utility

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4835/4857 SUM function output differs between report/page header and footer
  • Fixed problem in PDF export when white background color was used
  • 4839 Fixed problem with PDF export, the ‘End color’ is used even when ‘Gradient Type’ is set to ‘Solid’
  • Fixed problem with arrange objects always changing the distance of both X and Y axis
  • Fixed problem with CASE statement not working with some datatypes
  • Fixed error message during registration (MAC address error)
  • Fixed problem with removing sub reports
  • HDE 4841 ‘Invalid bookmark value’ error when using ODBC and OEM character set
  • Fixed problem with ‘set datasource location’ dialog displaying subreports in wrong treeview branch
  • Fixed error message on right mouse-click in ‘Check Database’ dialog
  • Fixed problem with weird sort order when using AddSortField() from integration library
  • Fixed problem with Excel export skipping every other line
  • Fixed error message when closing main report with multiple opened subreports
  • HDE 4878 Cannot delete – unused – parameter
  • HDE 4806 Fixed problem with formatting when printing RTF text over multiple pages
  • Fixed memory overwrite
  • Improved comment support in function editor


  • The cWebDRReportViewer class is updated.
  • Added support for DataFlex 19.0 tab-workspaces
  • cDRPreviewWindow class now sends PreviewPaint when a resize occurs (for tab-workspace support)
  • 18.0 library and higher; web.tpl (template) replaced with webPDF and webHTML templates
  • 19.0 library; icon and bitmap update

Changes between Beta II and Release Candidate

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4752
  • Exporting reports with charts in HTML and PDF draws the chart upside down
  • Chart legend marker ‘width’ and ‘height’ values were swapped
  • Fixed Barcode error messages
  • Fixed ‘invalid data type’ errors in copy/paste of subreports
  • Fixed problem with adding existing report as a subreport changing tab names in the Studio
  • Fixed problem with PDF passwords no longer working
  • HDE 4686 Paint problem with current selection of combo box
  • HDE 4762 First row on every page of Excel export is empty when using ‘Data only’ export
  • HDE 4764 Error opening Excel 2007 export file
  • Fixed problem with varchar(max) fields in ODBC being converted to ‘string’ fields instead of ‘memo’ fields
  • Fixed problem with summaries on functions not working properly
  • One or more table mismatches’ error in check database when using tables from multiple schemas
  • Changing the label size did not change the size of the details section
  • Fixed errors hen using some of the Barcode constants (constants with dash symbols)
  • Images on RDS are now 1 inch by 1 inch by default if no image sample is available
  • Fixed problems with copying/pasting objects between reports based on different data sources
  • Fixed error messages when copying/pasting from the report explorer

Changes between Beta I and Beta II

  • JIT function pre-compiler
  • Added option for case-insensitive compare in functions. We recommend you turn this option on for all new reports (by default this option is turned on for new reports and off for existing reports).
  • ’(null)’ values will no longer appear in RDS reports
  • Variable length Memo and Binary fields.
  • Anchor support
  • Helper for drawing Lines/Boxes over sections. You can create Lines and Boxes spanning multiple sections by inserting a Line/Box while holding the Ctrl key.
  • New ‘TableNameAlias’ function in OCX
  • Updated integration library

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4672
  • HDE 4673 remove and reorder table columns
  • HDE 4696!
  • HDE 4687
  • HDE 4724 Designer does not show italic fonts
  • HDE 4710 DR setup program installs the wrong DR.DB
  • HDE 4706 blank page after label report
  • HDE 4701 ’Referenced array index out of bounds’ error in designer
  • HDE 4700 Using section expert to change section height of label report
  • HDE 4698 Incorrect barcode colors used
  • HDE 4697 Barcode type constants are missing
  • HDE 4693 Unhandled program error when using extremely large fonts
  • HDE 4692/4694/4689 Unhandled program error when using spinforms with certain locale settings
  • HDE 4691 Export to HTML does not work with some images
  • HDE 4709 Export of barcode to PDF (high quality) does not work
  • HDE 4747 Invalid message error when aligning objects
  • Fixed error message for recursive functions

Changes between 5.0.1 and 6.0 Beta I

Implemented suggestions:

  • HDE 4612: Custom section names
  • HDE 4494: Extract page layer from report (see:
  • HDE 4337/4203/3445: Add CASE statement to functions (see:
  • HDE 4442: Select function in ‘Field Explorer’ after creation (see:
  • HDE 4637: Copy suppress condition using the ‘Same formatting’ option (see:
  • HDE 3960: Ability to specify the default JOIN type in options
  • HDE 4580: Ability to copy fields between reports (see:
  • HDE 4660: Ability to get SQL statement for reports based on custom SQL (see:
  • HDE 1676: Support for Embedded SQL/SQL expression fields
  • HDE 4483: Open function editor on error
  • HDE 4661: Add function for ‘Group Sort Number’ option in the group expert
  • HDE 3985: Print multiple sections at bottom of page
  • HDE 4542: make Tables, Views and Stored procedures available when not selected in options (see:
  • HDE 3389: Comment/Uncomment block in editor (see:
  • 4665: Ability to change the canvas (background color) of a report from integration

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4597/4466: ‘Size to font’ option clips data (see:
  • 4622: Default height of textbox differs from database fields
  • 4596: Different default function widths when inserting from menu (see:
  • HDE 4432: Function return type incorrect when calling another function (see:
  • HDE 3166: Bug in ‘Database Expert’ (see:
  • HDE 4578: Refresh of ‘Field Explorer’ jumps to wrong item after dragging a field
  • HDE 4599/4496: Page layers do not respect ‘Word wrap’ option (see:
  • HDE 4428: DR exits when using ‘Align to baseline’ on a text object and a line (see:
  • HDE 4486: ‘Referenced Array Index Out of Bounds’ error when dragging a field while holding the Ctrl key
  • HDE 4550: Wrong icon for ‘Refresh’ in Report menu
  • HDE 4584: ‘Illegal datatype conversion’ error when using ‘Redo’ option in a subreport
  • HDE 4552: Delete row from sample RDS data does not work
  • HDE 4662: ‘Variable height’ field is missing the last line (see:
  • HDE 4663: Group sort within a normal group does not work
  • HDE 4664: Alias names are not updated when using the ‘Change Datasource Wizard’ to convert a report from RDS to RDS
  • HDE 4643: ‘Table XXX has no column named XXX’ error when the column does exist
  • HDE 4370: Reserved words in RDS column names (see:!!-RDS-Prblem-HELP!)
  • HDE 4667: Report options dialog shows the wrong label sizes


  • HDE 4403: Replaced DownloadURL call in ExportReportToDownloadURL with CustomDownloadURL
  • HDE 4439: Implemented suggestion to add file extension to export filename if not specified in DRExportOptions.dg
  • HDE 4427: Repaint of preview after PreviewFind
  • HDE 4636: pbServerOnEscape set to true in DRPDFModalDialog.wo
  • HDE 4665: Added new method to set the color of the preview canvas
  • Moved the code previously generated by the wizard for the OnProgressRecordsRead and OnProgressFormatPage methods to the cDRReport class
  • Added new preview option for windows implemented in class cDRDesktopPreview Excluded all methods unavailable in web applications in cDRReport with conditional compiler switch
  • Moved all methods and properties from cWebDRReport to cDRReport, the cWebDRReport is now an empty class and the wizard will generate a cDRReport

Wizard Changes:

  • Added new preview option – DesktopView – similar to the tool-panel but with additional button in the windows task bar
  • OnProgressRecordsRead and OnProgressFormatPage methods are no longer generated

What is New in version 6.2?

Crosstab support

DataFlex Reports 6.2 introduces a crosstab field type (also known as a pivot-table) which allows you to display your data in a table. All summaries are automatically calculated or you can use a custom function for your summaries. In addition you have full control over how the lines, margins etc. in the crosstab are displayed. In order for crosstabs to work properly you should set the ‘Section can span multiple pages’ option for the sections in which crosstabs are placed. The crosstab wizard can automatically set this option for you.

Side-by-Side assembly

The DataFlex Reports Studio is now able to run as a side-by-side assembly. This means it no longer relies on any registered components to operate (also known as ‘regfree’) eliminating the risk of conflicts or missing shared components – such as CodeJock.

DPI scaling support

Support for dot per inch (DPI) scaling has been added to all toolbars, menus and context menus. In addition newly designed icons – ranging from small to large – have been added to the DataFlex Reports Studio and Integration Library.

New formatting and conversion functions

A number of new build-in formatting function have been added. These functions allow you to convert data – such as date, time, number, currency and integer - using a mask or the Windows default setting. A number of conversion functions have been added which allow you to specify sizes and positions - in inches, centimeters or points – independent of the Windows locale settings of the machine on which the report runs.

DSN-less connection string builder

A connection string builder option has been added to the ODBC connection wizard for DSN-less connections. Depending on the driver you select you will be prompted for all the required information to create the connection. You can easily modify the connection string at runtime use the integration library included with the Developer Edition of DataFlex Reports.

Improved Excel Export

A new option ‘Export data using native Excel datatypes’ has been added to the Excel export. When using this option all data types are converted to – unformatted - native Excel data types. This makes it easier to make changes to the exported data in Excel.

Datasource connection errors option

A new option ‘Show datasource connection errors’ is now available. With this option all errors which occur when you connect to a datasource are reported which can help you determine why you cannot connect to a particular datasource.

Import/Export of RDS data

DS (Runtime DataSource) table structures and sample data can now be exported and imported. This means you no longer need to re-enter the RDS table structure for each report in which you want to use the table or re-enter the RDS sample data after you have made changes to the RDS table structure. The RDS data is stored as JSON in a separate file which you can easily copy between workstations.

Bigint support

Support for 64 bit integers has been added to all the Database drivers supplied with DataFlex Reports. If you use any 64 bit integers in your database(s) simply run ‘Check Database’ from the DataFlex Reports Studio or use the Maintenance utility to start utilizing this new data type.

Improved Barcode support

Barcode support has been improved with a new option to set the default barcode type and an option to display the humanly readable text which appear underneath some barcode types. Furthermore you can now change a parameter field to a barcode.

SQLite driver

SQLite is a widely used zero-configuration SQL database. It is used by DataFlex Reports for its internal data storage. The new SQLite driver included in DataFlex Reports is a native driver and does not rely on an installed ODBC driver or any other dependencies. Just like the ODBC driver the SQLite driver allows you to base your reports on a SQL statement and supports the SQL() function.

What is New in version 6.0?

Barcode support

DataFlex Reports 6.0 supports over 70 different types of symbologies (type of barcodes) both one-dimensional and two-dimensional (stacked) symbols are available. Fields (like database fields, functions or parameter fields and text objects) can be converted to a barcode with a simple mouse click and can be exported to PDF, RTF, HTML or image.

Performance improvements

Version 6 of DataFlex Reports contains many performance improvements to optimize the report generation process. A function pre-compiler has been added which makes reports with lots of functions run up to 10(!) times faster; the performance of summaries (both summary fields and the Sum() function) has also dramatically improved. Additional changes have been made to the layout engine to streamline the report generation.

Functions and function editor

A new case statement has been added to version 6 of DataFlex Reports. The case statement supports comma separated lists of values and does not allow fall-through to occur. Case statements can be nested. In addition to the case statement, whenever a function error occurs, the function editor is opened and the symbol which caused the error is highlighted. Selected text can now be commented and uncommented using the Ctrl+K,C and Ctrl+K,U keys or toolbar buttons. Additionally line comments can be toggled using the Ctrl+/ key.

Embedded SQL

A new built-in function SQL() has been added to DataFlex Reports 6.0 which allows you to execute SQL statements directly (also known as SQL expressions). This function is only available for ODBC data-sources and is a powerful addition to report developers. However, only a single value can be returned from a SQL() function.

Suggestions and bug fixes

DataFlex Reports 6.0 includes over 30 implemented user suggestions and bug-fixes. See the ‘Changes’ section in this readme for a complete list.

Existing DataFlex Reports 4.x user information

All classes, constants and files in the DataFlex Reports integration – included in this version – have been renamed as part of the rebranding of the DataFlex Reports product. For existing pre-DataFlex Reports 4.0 applications create a backup of your existing project(s) and take the following steps to update to the 6.2 library:

Remove the existing DataFlex Reports library and add the DataFlex Reports 6.2 library to your workspace (this may require you to start the DataFlex Studio with administrator rights).

  1. 1Click the replace in files button in the Studio (Ctrl+Shift+H)
    1. Enter VRW in the “Text to Find” input field
    2. Enter DR in the “Text to Replace” input field
    3.  Click the “Replace All” button
  2. Open the <projectname>.cfg file
    1. Replace all VRW with DR for the icons and bitmaps
  3. Search for the usage of psDatabaseCollate and remove the code. The property does not exist anymore
  4. Windows projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortColumnsGrid” with “cDRSortColumnsGrid”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortDirectionsGridColumn” with “cDRSortDirectionsGridColumn”
  5. Web Application Framework projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “oPDFModalDialog” with “oDRPDFModalDialog”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “Use PDFModalDialog.wo” with “Use DRPDFModalDialog.wo”
  6. Optional:
    1. Replace all “.vrw” to “.dr” in the program code
    2.  Rename all reports with a VRW extension to DR

Language support

DataFlex Reports ships with support for a number of languages. Before changing the language used in DataFlex Reports you must set your Windows Regional Options to the language of your choice. This ensures that the correct (ANSI) code page is selected in Windows. You can change the Regional Options in the Windows Control Panel, for full language support you must change both the ‘Standards and formats’ option to ensure correct date and number handling and the ‘Language for non-unicode programs’ option. Please note that the name of these options may differ in various versions of Windows. After changing the Windows Regional Options you can change the language in DataFlex Reports by choosing a language from the ‘Language’ menu.

Integration library

DataFlex Reports comes with an Integration library. This library allows you to seamlessly integrate reports with your DataFlex 16.x, 17.x, 18.x or 19.0 applications. The library contains an Integration Wizard and classes for integrating and viewing reports. During installation you can specify the location of the Integration library. We suggest you install the library in a subfolder of the main DataFlex directory, this allows you to add the library using relative paths. To use the Integration library and Integration Wizard in your DataFlex projects and Workspaces you must first add the library. You can do this by opening the DataFlex Studio and select the ‘Maintain Libraries…’ option from the ‘Tools’ menu. Next, you can use the ‘Add Library’ button and open the ‘DataFlex Reports XXX.sws’ file. After selecting the .sws file and clicking the ‘Ok’ button a wizard will be started which will guide you through the process of adding the library to the currently selected workspace.
For windows application, simply choose the ‘View/Report’ option from the ‘File’ menu and select the ‘DataFlex Reports Wizard’ icon. For Web applications use the ‘Web Object’ option from the ‘File’ menu.

Reporting bugs, comments and suggestions

Please report bugs to Data Access via our HelpDesk Express application ( Please create a new account if you do not have one currently. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible to define and reproduce the problem that you are reporting. Upon your report, you will be invited to use an account on our help-desk support system for reporting future issues. For further communications and information, there is a forum devoted to DataFlex Reports in the Data Access Worldwide Support Forums.


Important information for existing DataFlex Reports users:

Existing reports

The .dr (or .vrw for older reports) report definition format has changed between version 5.x and 6.x. If you save reports with this version of DataFlex Reports, you can no longer use them in previous versions.

Special caution with regards to this: when opening reports that were created with an older version it is advised to run the ‘check database’ option.

Font sizes are calculated differently in version 6.0 and up of DataFlex Reports. This can have an effect on the layout of existing 5.0 reports.

DataFlex Reports version 6 calculates font sizes differently compared to previous versions. This means the overall size of text may differ and can cause clipping of fields which did not occur in previous versions. Also, when using small fonts (less than 10 pts) the text may appear more greyish compared to previous versions.

String comparison in expression evaluator

String comparison in previous versions of DataFlex Reports (up to and including DataFlex Reports 6.0 Beta I) were case-insensitive. Starting with version 6 Beta II, a new option ‘Use case-sensitive comparison in functions’ has been added to address what should be considered a bug. For example the following function would return “case insensitive”.

The option ‘Use case-sensitive comparison in functions’ is turned on by default for new reports. Existing reports have this option turned off to ensure backward compatibility. We strongly recommend you keep this option turned on for all new reports and advise you check your existing reports and turn this option on if your report(s) do no rely on case-insensitive string comparison.

Please note only string comparison operators <, <=, =, >=, > and <> are affected by this option.


Before deploying please update the integration library in your workspace(s) and recompile your application(s).

Integration library changes

The existing cWebDRReport class which was introduced in DataFlex Reports version 4 is now considered obsolete. The class is still available for backward compatibility but there are no functional differences between the cWebDRReport and cDRReport classes. The availability of web only properties and methods is determined by the project type (Windows of Web) being compiled.

Previous versions of the integration library wizard generated the events ‘OnProgressRecorsRead’ and ‘OnProgressFormatPage’ when creating code for a windows project. These events are no longer generated and the events can be removed from existing code if not altered.

Use of IS$WEBAPP in DataFlex Studio

To ensure the DataFlex Studio will correctly handle labels for GUI controls and avoid warnings in the problem resolution panel of the DataFlex Studio you should add the IS$WEBAPP to the Tools | Configure Workspace | Conditionals | Workspace #IFDEF conditionals for your DataFlex Studio version 16.0 - 19.0 Windows GUI applications.

New cWebDRReportViewer class

The cWebDRReportViewer class is updated. Please make sure you check the ‘Copy APPHTML\DataFlex Reports Folder contents’ checkbox after attaching the new integration library in your web projects.

Important Information – Please Read Carefully

DataFlex CodeJock controls

DataFlex Reports uses the same version of the CodeJock components as DataFlex 18.0/18.1. If you uninstall DataFlex Reports you must manually run the ‘RegisterCodejockControls’ batch file in the DataFlex bin directory to ensure that DataFlex 18.0/18.1 will continue to run correctly.

DataFlex Reports 2017 – 6.1.5 is developed with DataFlex 18.2. If you do not have a version 18.2 Client License running on your PC, the setup will automatically install one for you.

DataFlex 16.x, 17.x, 18.x or 19.0 Studio license is required to use the Integration library which is part of DataFlex Reports 2017 Developer Edition.

DataFlex Reports 2017 – 6.1.5 cannot run side-by-side with version 6.1.x, you need to uninstall version 6.1.x before installing 6.1.5

To run your applications with version 6.1.5 you must detach the DataFlex Reports Integration library and attach the library installed with version 6.1.5.

Supported platforms

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows 8 excluding RT
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium or higher
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 including R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 including R2
    • All of the above are supported in 32 and 64 bit editions
  • Windows Terminal Services when using Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008
  • Citrix XenApp when used in conjunction with other supported Windows operating systems

Registration DataFlex Reports 6.1.5 will run as a 60-day trial version. If you start DataFlex Reports you will be asked to register your version. To register, you need to purchase a license. Registering will lift the trial period. After registering your license you have a 60 day period to activate your license. Make sure you have an internet connection, and simply confirm the activation.
Click here to learn where you can order your license.

Changes between 6.1.4 and 6.1.5

  • HDE 5197
  • HDE 5140
  • HDE 4847 Collapse all option for Report Explorer
  • HDE 4481
  • HDE 5180 Fixed problem with purged functions
  • HDE 5127 Undo button does not work with Pagelayers
  • HDE 4834 Implemented Alt+Up and Alt+Down for Report Explorer and Experts
  • HDE 4440 Save or Save as of a report with a .vrw extension will change extension to .dr
  • HDE 5129


  • HDE 5178 DRExportOptions.dg sets the filename to the correct extension
  • HDE 5196 Fixed problem in Wizard when using Windows integration
  • HDE 5131 Fixed problem when clicking in preview before report has run

Changes between 6.1.3 and 6.1.4

  • HDE 4683 Keep RDS sample data after changing RDS database
  • Allow RDS name to be changed
  • HDE 5103 Fixed problem with reports bases on SQL statement with string parameters
  • HDE 5075 Fixed problem with RDS alias names
  • HDE 5104
  • HDE 3618 Added row number column in RDS sample data dialog
  • HDE 5079 Fixed problem with purge functions not working in Maintenance tool
  • HDE 5072 Fixed problem with Shift-Click not working in the Report Explorer
  • HDE 5084 Fixed Invalid message ‘OnExitObject’ when focus moves to Report Explorer while editing a text object
  • HDE 5082
  • HDE 4691 Added ability to remove the collating sequence in report, the F5 key now resets to default collate
  • HDE 5098 Fixed problem with default column in Insert Group dialog
  • HDE 5082
  • HDE 5109 Fixed ‘Referenced array index out of bounds’ error in Report/Field Explorer
  • HDE 5112 Top & bottom border of a subreport are not printed when Page header / footer are hidden in the subreport
  • HDE 5107
  • HDE 5046
  • HDE 4918
  • HDE 4931
  • HDE 4865
  • Updated integration library
  • Updated help

Changes between 6.1 and 6.1.3

  • Fixed type conversion problem in SQL() function
  • Binary data can now be stored in RDS sample dialog
  • Fixed problem with saving functions when switching between functions in the function editor
  • HDE 5062 Increased maximum font size from 100 to 500 pts
  • HDE 5035 Empty functions are no longer automatically deleted
  • HDE 5042 Fixed problem with background color for barcodes
  • Updated integration library
  • Updated help

Changes between 6.0 and 6.1

  • Managed connection support (use the ODBC driver to use the new Managed Connections)
  • Added Russian language & collate
  • Added Hungarian language
  • Navigating in the report explorer now selects object in the design tab
  • Added Show Subreports option to Function Explorer
  • Added Find by Function ID option to Function Explorer
  • Added Import registration information to Registration dialog
  • Updated documentation

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4914
  • HDE 4950 Page layers only appear on first two pages
  • HDE 4937 ODBC memo fields have a default height/length of zero
  • HDE 4959 Validate Collate file name in designer
  • HDE 4939 OEM/ANSI translate problem in Windows menu
  • HDE 4958 OEM/ANSI translate problem when switching language
  • HDE 4955 Studio shows wrong function when error occurs in a subreport
  • Group numbers are off by one after printing a subreport
  • Added message to find in Preview when string is not found
  • HDE 5002 Fixed problem with screens appearing gray
  • HDE 5010 Crash when printing barcode without data
  • Fixed problem with NVARCHAR(MAX) fields not displaying any data
  • Fixed problem with variable length fields (Memo and Binary) not working in Filter Function for the ODBC driver
  • Fixed error on first argument of the Propercase() function


  • Improved feedback when a function error occurs, including the possibility to copy the Function ID and the ability to find the Function ID in the DR Designer.
  • HDE 4969!!!

Changes between RC II and Release

  • Updated documentation
  • Added option to integrate the DataFlex Reports help into the DataFlex 19.0 Help system

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4909 Incorrect summaries when used inside a group based on a function
  • HDE 4886/4922
  • HDE 4915 Group Sort Expert changes the sum to sort on when navigating through the groups
  • Fixed ’Invalid cursor state’ error when using SQL() function
  • Fixed problem with incompatible data-types returned from SQL() function

Changes between RC and RC II

  • Updated documentation
  • PreviewWaitingGIF() property added
  • Added option to set the ‘Wrap state’ of existing reports to the Maintenace utility

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4835/4857 SUM function output differs between report/page header and footer
  • Fixed problem in PDF export when white background color was used
  • 4839 Fixed problem with PDF export, the ‘End color’ is used even when ‘Gradient Type’ is set to ‘Solid’
  • Fixed problem with arrange objects always changing the distance of both X and Y axis
  • Fixed problem with CASE statement not working with some datatypes
  • Fixed error message during registration (MAC address error)
  • Fixed problem with removing sub reports
  • HDE 4841 ‘Invalid bookmark value’ error when using ODBC and OEM character set
  • Fixed problem with ‘set datasource location’ dialog displaying subreports in wrong treeview branch
  • Fixed error message on right mouse-click in ‘Check Database’ dialog
  • Fixed problem with weird sort order when using AddSortField() from integration library
  • Fixed problem with Excel export skipping every other line
  • Fixed error message when closing main report with multiple opened subreports
  • HDE 4878 Cannot delete – unused – parameter
  • HDE 4806 Fixed problem with formatting when printing RTF text over multiple pages
  • Fixed memory overwrite
  • Improved comment support in function editor


  • The cWebDRReportViewer class is updated.
  • Added support for DataFlex 19.0 tab-workspaces
  • cDRPreviewWindow class now sends PreviewPaint when a resize occurs (for tab-workspace support)
  • 18.0 library and higher; web.tpl (template) replaced with webPDF and webHTML templates
  • 19.0 library; icon and bitmap update

Changes between Beta II and Release Candidate

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4752
  • Exporting reports with charts in HTML and PDF draws the chart upside down
  • Chart legend marker ‘width’ and ‘height’ values were swapped
  • Fixed Barcode error messages
  • Fixed ‘invalid data type’ errors in copy/paste of subreports
  • Fixed problem with adding existing report as a subreport changing tab names in the Studio
  • Fixed problem with PDF passwords no longer working
  • HDE 4686 Paint problem with current selection of combo box
  • HDE 4762 First row on every page of Excel export is empty when using ‘Data only’ export
  • HDE 4764 Error opening Excel 2007 export file
  • Fixed problem with varchar(max) fields in ODBC being converted to ‘string’ fields instead of ‘memo’ fields
  • Fixed problem with summaries on functions not working properly
  • One or more table mismatches’ error in check database when using tables from multiple schemas
  • Changing the label size did not change the size of the details section
  • Fixed errors hen using some of the Barcode constants (constants with dash symbols)
  • Images on RDS are now 1 inch by 1 inch by default if no image sample is available
  • Fixed problems with copying/pasting objects between reports based on different data sources
  • Fixed error messages when copying/pasting from the report explorer

Changes between Beta I and Beta II

  • JIT function pre-compiler
  • Added option for case-insensitive compare in functions. We recommend you turn this option on for all new reports (by default this option is turned on for new reports and off for existing reports).
  • -(null)’ values will no longer appear in RDS reports
  • Variable length Memo and Binary fields.
  • Anchor support
  • Helper for drawing Lines/Boxes over sections. You can create Lines and Boxes spanning multiple sections by inserting a Line/Box while holding the Ctrl key.
  • New ‘TableNameAlias’ function in OCX
  • Updated integration library

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4672
  • HDE 4673 remove and reorder table columns
  • HDE 4696!
  • HDE 4687
  • HDE 4724 Designer does not show italic fonts
  • HDE 4710 DR setup program installs the wrong DR.DB
  • HDE 4706 blank page after label report
  • HDE 4701 ’Referenced array index out of bounds’ error in designer
  • HDE 4700 Using section expert to change section height of label report
  • HDE 4698 Incorrect barcode colors used
  • HDE 4697 Barcode type constants are missing
  • HDE 4693 Unhandled program error when using extremely large fonts
  • HDE 4692/4694/4689 Unhandled program error when using spinforms with certain locale settings
  • HDE 4691 Export to HTML does not work with some images
  • HDE 4709 Export of barcode to PDF (high quality) does not work
  • HDE 4747 Invalid message error when aligning objects
  • Fixed error message for recursive functions

Changes between 5.0.1 and 6.0 Beta I

Implemented suggestions:

  • HDE 4612: Custom section names
  • HDE 4494: Extract page layer from report (see:
  • HDE 4337/4203/3445: Add CASE statement to functions (see:
  • HDE 4442: Select function in ‘Field Explorer’ after creation (see:
  • HDE 4637: Copy suppress condition using the ‘Same formatting’ option (see:
  • HDE 3960: Ability to specify the default JOIN type in options
  • HDE 4580: Ability to copy fields between reports (see:
  • HDE 4660: Ability to get SQL statement for reports based on custom SQL (see:
  • HDE 1676: Support for Embedded SQL/SQL expression fields
  • HDE 4483: Open function editor on error
  • HDE 4661: Add function for ‘Group Sort Number’ option in the group expert
  • HDE 3985: Print multiple sections at bottom of page
  • HDE 4542: make Tables, Views and Stored procedures available when not selected in options (see:
  • HDE 3389: Comment/Uncomment block in editor (see:
  • 4665: Ability to change the canvas (background color) of a report from integration

Bug fixes:

  • HDE 4597/4466: ‘Size to font’ option clips data (see:
  • 4622: Default height of textbox differs from database fields
  • 4596: Different default function widths when inserting from menu (see:
  • HDE 4432: Function return type incorrect when calling another function (see:
  • HDE 3166: Bug in ‘Database Expert’ (see:
  • HDE 4578: Refresh of ‘Field Explorer’ jumps to wrong item after dragging a field
  • HDE 4599/4496: Page layers do not respect ‘Word wrap’ option (see:
  • HDE 4428: DR exits when using ‘Align to baseline’ on a text object and a line (see:
  • HDE 4486: ‘Referenced Array Index Out of Bounds’ error when dragging a field while holding the Ctrl key
  • HDE 4550: Wrong icon for ‘Refresh’ in Report menu
  • HDE 4584: ‘Illegal datatype conversion’ error when using ‘Redo’ option in a subreport
  • HDE 4552: Delete row from sample RDS data does not work
  • HDE 4662: ‘Variable height’ field is missing the last line (see:
  • HDE 4663: Group sort within a normal group does not work
  • HDE 4664: Alias names are not updated when using the ‘Change Datasource Wizard’ to convert a report from RDS to RDS
  • HDE 4643: ‘Table XXX has no column named XXX’ error when the column does exist
  • HDE 4370: Reserved words in RDS column names (see:!!-RDS-Prblem-HELP!)
  • HDE 4667: Report options dialog shows the wrong label sizes


  • HDE 4403: Replaced DownloadURL call in ExportReportToDownloadURL with CustomDownloadURL
  • HDE 4439: Implemented suggestion to add file extension to export filename if not specified in DRExportOptions.dg
  • HDE 4427: Repaint of preview after PreviewFind
  • HDE 4636: pbServerOnEscape set to true in DRPDFModalDialog.wo
  • HDE 4665: Added new method to set the color of the preview canvas
  • Moved the code previously generated by the wizard for the OnProgressRecordsRead and OnProgressFormatPage methods to the cDRReport class
  • Added new preview option for windows implemented in class cDRDesktopPreview
  • Excluded all methods unavailable in web applications in cDRReport with conditional compiler switch
  • Moved all methods and properties from cWebDRReport to cDRReport, the cWebDRReport is now an empty class and the wizard will generate a cDRReport

Wizard Changes

  • Added new preview option – DesktopView – similar to the tool-panel but with additional button in the windows task bar
  • OnProgressRecordsRead and OnProgressFormatPage methods are no longer generated

What is New in version 6.0?

Barcode support

DataFlex Reports 6.0 supports over 70 different types of symbologies (type of barcodes) both one-dimensional and two-dimensional (stacked) symbols are available. Fields (like database fields, functions or parameter fields and text objects) can be converted to a barcode with a simple mouse click and can be exported to PDF, RTF, HTML or image.


Performance improvements

Version 6 of DataFlex Reports contains many performance improvements to optimize the report generation process. A function pre-compiler has been added which makes reports with lots of functions run up to 10(!) times faster; the performance of summaries (both summary fields and the Sum() function) has also dramatically improved. Additional changes have been made to the layout engine to streamline the report generation.

Functions and function editor

A new case statement has been added to version 6 of DataFlex Reports. The case statement supports comma separated lists of values and does not allow fall-through to occur. Case statements can be nested. In addition to the case statement, whenever a function error occurs, the function editor is opened and the symbol which caused the error is highlighted. Selected text can now be commented and uncommented using the Ctrl+K,C and Ctrl+K,U keys or toolbar buttons. Additionally line comments can be toggled using the Ctrl+/ key.

Embedded SQL

A new built-in function SQL() has been added to DataFlex Reports 6.0 which allows you to execute SQL statements directly (also known as SQL expressions). This function is only available for ODBC data-sources and is a powerful addition to report developers. However, only a single value can be returned from a SQL() function.

Suggestions and bug fixes

DataFlex Reports 6.0 includes over 30 implemented user suggestions and bug-fixes. See the ‘Changes’ section in this readme for a complete list.

Existing DataFlex Reports 4.x user information

All classes, constants and files in the DataFlex Reports integration – included in this version – have been renamed as part of the rebranding of the DataFlex Reports product. For existing pre-DataFlex Reports 4.0 applications create a backup of your existing project(s) and take the following steps to update to the 6.1.5 library:

Remove the existing DataFlex Reports library and add the DataFlex Reports 6.1.5 library to your workspace (this may require you to start the DataFlex Studio with administrator rights).

  1. Click the replace in files button in the Studio (Ctrl+Shift+H)
    1. Enter VRW in the “Text to Find” input field
    2. Enter DR in the “Text to Replace” input field
    3. Click the “Replace All” button
  2. Open the <projectname>.cfg file
    1. Replace all VRW with DR for the icons and bitmaps
  3. Search for the usage of psDatabaseCollate and remove the code. The property does not exist anymore
  4. Windows projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortColumnsGrid” with “cDRSortColumnsGrid”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortDirectionsGridColumn” with “cDRSortDirectionsGridColumn”
  5. Web Application Framework projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “oPDFModalDialog” with “oDRPDFModalDialog”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “Use PDFModalDialog.wo” with “Use DRPDFModalDialog.wo”
  6. Optional:
    1. Replace all “.vrw” to “.dr” in the program code
    2. Rename all reports with a VRW extension to DR

Language support

DataFlex Reports ships with support for a number of languages. Before changing the language used in DataFlex Reports you must set your Windows Regional Options to the language of your choice. This ensures that the correct (ANSI) code page is selected in Windows. You can change the Regional Options in the Windows Control Panel, for full language support you must change both the ‘Standards and formats’ option to ensure correct date and number handling and the ‘Language for non-unicode programs’ option. Please note that the name of these options may differ in various versions of Windows. After changing the Windows Regional Options you can change the language in DataFlex Reports by choosing a language from the ‘Language’ menu.

Integration library

DataFlex Reports comes with an Integration library. This library allows you to seamlessly integrate reports with your DataFlex 16.x, 17.x, 18.x or 19.0 applications. The library contains an Integration Wizard and classes for integrating and viewing reports. During installation you can specify the location of the Integration library. We suggest you install the library in a subfolder of the main DataFlex directory, this allows you to add the library using relative paths. To use the Integration library and Integration Wizard in your DataFlex projects and Workspaces you must first add the library. You can do this by opening the DataFlex Studio and select the ‘Maintain Libraries…’ option from the ‘Tools’ menu. Next, you can use the ‘Add Library’ button and open the ‘DataFlex Reports XXX.sws’ file. After selecting the .sws file and clicking the ‘Ok’ button a wizard will be started which will guide you through the process of adding the library to the currently selected workspace.
For windows application, simply choose the ‘View/Report’ option from the ‘File’ menu and select the ‘DataFlex Reports Wizard’ icon. For Web applications use the ‘Web Object’ option from the ‘File’ menu.

Reporting bugs, comments and suggestions

Please report bugs to, if you have a HelpDesk Express account you can also enter reports directly at Make sure to provide as much detail as possible to define and reproduce the problem that you are reporting. Upon your report, you will be invited to use an account on our help-desk support system for reporting future issues. For further communications and information, there is a forum devoted to DataFlex Reports in the Data Access Worldwide Support Forums.


What is New in version 6.0?

Barcode support

DataFlex Reports 6.0 supports over 70 different types of symbologies (type of barcodes) both onedimensional and two-dimensional (stacked) symbols are available. Fields (like database fields, functions or parameter fields and text objects) can be converted to a barcode with a simple mouse click and can be exported to PDF, RTF, HTML or image.

Performance improvements

Version 6 of DataFlex Reports contains many performance improvements to optimize the report generation process. A function pre-compiler has been added which makes reports with lots of functions run up to 10(!) times faster; the performance of summaries (both summary fields and the Sum() function) has also dramatically improved. Additional changes have been made to the layout engine to streamline the report generation.

Functions and function editor

A new case statement has been added to version 6 of DataFlex Reports. The case statement supports comma separated lists of values and does not allow fall-through to occur. Case statements can be nested. In addition to the case statement, whenever a function error occurs, the function editor is opened and the symbol which caused the error is highlighted. Selected text can now be commented and uncommented using the Ctrl+K,C and Ctrl+K,U keys or toolbar buttons. Additionally line comments can be toggled using the Ctrl+/ key.

Embedded SQL

A new built-in function SQL() has been added to DataFlex Reports 6.0 which allows you to execute SQL statements directly (also known as SQL expressions). This function is only available for ODBC datasources and is a powerful addition to report developers. However, only a single value can be returned from a SQL() function.

Important Information – Please Read Carefully

Existing reports

The .dr (or .vrw for older reports) report definition format has changed between version 4.x and 5.x. If you save reports with this version of DataFlex Reports, you can no longer use them in previous versions.

Special caution with regard to this: when opening reports made with an older version it is advised to run the ‘check database’ option.

Existing workspaces with integrated reports

If you have an existing DataFlex Reports 5.0 Beta I web project you should detach the old integration library and re-attach the library. This ensures that the JavaScript and CSS files are copied from the library to your workspace.

DataFlex CodeJock controls

DataFlex Reports uses the same version of the CodeJock components as DataFlex 18.2. If you uninstall DataFlex Reports you must manually run the ‘RegisterCodejockControls’ batch file in the DataFlex bin directory to ensure DataFlex 18.2 will continue to run correctly.

DataFlex Reports 2016 – 5.0.1 is developed with DataFlex 18.2. If you do not have a version 18.2 Client License running on your PC, the setup will automatically install one for you.

DataFlex 16.0/16.1, 17.0/17.1 or 18.0/18.1/18.2 Studio license is required to use the Integration library which is part of DataFlex Reports 2016 Developer Edition.

Supported platforms

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows 8 excluding RT
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium or higher
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 including R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 including R2
    • All of the above are supported in 32 and 64 bit editions
  • Windows Terminal Services when using Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008
  • Citrix XenApp when used in conjunction with other supported Windows operating systems

Registration DataFlex Reports 5.0.1 will run as a 60-day trial version. If you start DataFlex Reports you will be asked to register your version. To register, you need to purchase a license. Registering will lift the trial period. After registering your license you have a 60 day period to activate your license. Make sure you have an internet connection, and simply confirm the activation.

Changes between 5.0 and 5.01

Bug fixes:

  • Performance improvements for summaries - both summary fields and Sum() functions (see:
  • Fixed problem with schema list not always showing all schemas (see:
  • Fixed problem with Epson printer (see:
  • Fixed table size/position not remembered in database expert (see:
  • Fixed problem with fonts not being embedded in PDF export (see:
  • Fixed problem where only the first two expressions of a filter function are used for offloading (see:
  • Fixed rare problem where sections did not always appear in preview (see:!&highlight=margin)
  • Fixed problem with CodeDescription (CodeMast) ELF not working when used with .INT files (see:
  • Fixed problem with embedded images (see:
  • Fixed typo and casing of build-in function names in the function editor
  • Fixed problem in field properties where the image location was not being saved after using the prompt button to select an image
  • Clicking the ‘Cancel’ button on the SQL statement dialog no longer clears the statement
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Tables without an alias name retain their existing (alias) name when using the ‘Change Datasource’ wizard


  • cDRReportHelper.pkg
    • New package cDRReportHelper.pkg. This file contains the cDRReportHelper class containing the DateTimeToString, DateToString and TimeToString functions. In version 5.0 and older these functions were part of the cDRReport class. They are still there for backwards compatibility but redirect to the functions in an automatically created child object named oDRReportHelper. This way the functions can be used in DataFlex components that don’t contain a cDRReport object. The integration wizard generates an object of the cDRReportHelper class in components that don’t need a cDRReport object
  • DRExportOptions.dg
    • PDFType combo added to the oDRExportOptionsDialog object (in DRExportOptions.dg)
  • cDRReport.pkg
    • When using preview to a MDI view (cDRPreview) or a toolpanel (cDRToolPanelPreview) the results were not refreshed if the preview window wasn’t closed before changing selection criteria and executing the report again

Wizard Changes:

  • The wizard now supports reports not using a filelist as database but individual tables
  • When using an ODBC report the wizard checks if the tablenames used matches the data-dictionaries defined in the workspace and generates DDO’s and code to use these
  • The wizard now sets piColumnCount for the SortOrderGroup in a web component

Changes between Release Candidate and Release

Bug fixes:

  • Increased the maximum image size in RDS tables
  • Fixed problem with size of docking panes in RDS sample dialog
  • Fixed problem with explorers not always working

Changes between Beta II and Release Candidate

Bug fixes:

  • Information message if the selected printer bin is not supported by the printer
  • Fixed problem with ‘Hide section’ not working
  • Stored procedures did not appear in the list when using an ODBC datasource
  • Background color of boxes do not show in the designer
  • Fixed problems with explorer panes appearing in the top-left corner
  • Function name’ combo was not initialized in the ‘Library function’ (ELF) dialog
  • Current connection in Database Expert did not show schemas for ODBC connection
  • Varchar(max) fields did not show any data when running the report
  • Left & Right arrow keys did not work when field was (partially) outside the page borders
  • Fixed problems with field masks not working

Changes between Beta I and Beta II

New features:

  • Support for PDF/A export. When creating a PDF/A the following options are prohibited and an error message is generated if the report contains any of the following:
    • Alpha channels (transparency) – for example an image with transparency or a gradient
    • Passwords (both user and owner passwords)
    • An image with an unsupported – embedded – ICC profile
  • ‘Wrap text’ option added to the field properties. If this option is not set the object is always formatted in a single line. With this option set the text will wrap and as many lines as can fit in the object rectangle are displayed.

Bug fixes:

  • Numerous fixes in the Integration library wizards and JavaScript/CSS files
  • Fixed problem with ‘overlay next section’ (HDE 4317)
  • Using the ‘Cancel’ button in the ‘SQL Statement’ generated an ‘invalid argument value’ error (HDE 4307)
  • Double click on ‘SQL Statement’ treeview item in the ‘Database expert’ did not start the dialog (HDE 4306)
  • Adding a field to a label report using the ‘Field explorer’ would add a Field Heading label - if the option was selected (HDE 4299)
  • The ‘Section Expert’/’Report Explorer’ and other dialogs included all sections for label reports – however a label report only has a details section (HDE 4300)
  • ‘Array index out of bounds’ error when creating a label report using the wizard without selecting any fields for the report (HDE 4298)
  • A sub-report inside a – blank - section with the option ‘Hide blank section’ set would not show the sub-report (HDE 4296)
  • Fields in the details section of a sub-report created with the wizard would be placed on top of each other (HDE 4294)
  • Field Heading labels would not be included when creating sub-reports using the wizard – even if the option was selected (HDE 4295)
  • ‘Stack overflow’ error when running a report with summaries on large number of records (HDE 4277)
  • A groupname based on a function does not display contents (HDE 4162)
  • Rename of a function using the field explorer can duplicate the function name (HDE 4095)
  • Export to PDF and RTF of a box with the border set to ‘none’ does displays box borders (HDE 4089)
  • Alignment does not work when one of the objects is locked – using the ‘Allow move/resize of locked fields via keyboard’ option enables alignment of locked objects (HDE 3890)
  • Bottom pixel was clipped when export to PDF – low quality (HDE 3284)
  • 0.5 point lines and boxes did not appear in HTML export, other non integer line thickness would be rounded down to nearest integer (HDE 3284)
  • Horizontal/Vertical position and Width/Height fields in the ‘Field properties’ dialog are incorrectly rounded down.
  • Mask fields are incorrectly initialized in the ‘Field properties’ dialog when using a Custom number or Currency mask

Changes between Alpha and Beta I

New features:

  • Support for mobile devices has been added to the integration
  • DataFlex 18.2 integration library added
  • New chart types (Pie and Pyramid) are now available (see what is new in version 5.0)
  • Redesigned keyboard interface and new keyboard interface for moving and resizing to a guideline(see what is new in version 5.0)
  • Paper margins can now be changed from integration(see what is new in version 5.0)
  • New option ‘Allow move/resize of locked fields via keyboard’ added (see what is new in version 5.0)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed error when deleting all horizontal guidelines
  • Fixed problem with Undo not working correctly
  • Fixed problems with moving horizontal guidelines
  • Moving guidelines now checks for negative size/position of objects
  • Fixed problem with RDS sample data dialog not showing first sample record (HDE 4237)
  • When printing all pages the selected tray is not respected if no tray was selected in the report
  • Fixed error when editing a function from the Field Explorer; after changing the name of the function an error 98 was triggered (HDE 4262)
  • When printing a report the background color of a section was printed in the wrong position - export and preview worked correctly (HDE 4260)

What is New in version 5.0?


The new report wizard now has an extra option, to create multi-column label reports. It lets you define the correct format that can be stored in the repository for later use. Existing label reports can be easily changed via the Label tab in the Report Options.

SQL Statement

You can now directly enter a SQL statement – including parameters - for your ODBC reports. A parameter field will be automatically added to your report for every parameter you include in the SQL statement.

New chart types

Two new chart types have been added; Pie and Pyramid.

Print section over multiple pages

A new section option to allow sections to span multiple pages had been added to the section expert.

Redesigned keyboard interface

Moving and resizing objects using the keyboard has been redesigned to allow more intuitive use of the keyboard. New keyboard support for moving to a guideline (Alt+Arrow keys) and resizing to a guideline (Alt+Shift+Arrow keys) has been added.


ODBC Tables/Views etc. are now divided into schemas.
Paper margins can now be changed from integration.
New options:

  • Option to save a report on preview.
  • Option to allow moving and resizing of locked fields via keyboard.

New section options:

  • Option to overlay next section.
  • Option to exclude a page footer section from the start of page footer.

New field options:

  • Option to change the vertical alignment.

Report options:

  • Option to print a report on alternate pages.

Existing DataFlex Reports user information

All classes, constants and files in the DataFlex Reports integration – included in this version – have been renamed as part of the rebranding of the DataFlex Reports product. For existing pre-DataFlex Reports 4.0 applications create a backup of your existing project(s) and take the following steps to update to the 5.x library:

Remove the existing DataFlex Reports library and add the DataFlex Reports 5.x library to your workspace (this may require you to start the DataFlex Studio with administrator rights).

  1. Click the replace in files button in the Studio (Ctrl+Shift+H)
    1. Enter VRW in the “Text to Find” input field
    2. Enter DR in the “Text to Replace” input field
    3. Click the “Replace All” button
  2. Open the <projectname>.cfg file
    1. Replace all VRW with DR for the icons and bitmaps
  3. Search for the usage of psDatabaseCollate and remove the code. The property does not exist anymore
  4. Windows projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortColumnsGrid” with “cDRSortColumnsGrid”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortDirectionsGridColumn” with “cDRSortDirectionsGridColumn”
  5. Web Application Framework projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “oPDFModalDialog” with “oDRPDFModalDialog”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “Use PDFModalDialog.wo” with “Use DRPDFModalDialog.wo”
  6. Optional:
    1. Replace all “.vrw” to “.dr” in the program code
    2. Rename all reports with a VRW extension to DR

Language support

DataFlex Reports ships with support for a number of languages. Before changing the language used in DataFlex Reports you must set your Windows Regional Options to the language of your choice. This ensures that the correct (ANSI) code page is selected in Windows. You can change the Regional Options in the Windows Control Panel, for full language support you must change both the ‘Standards and formats’ option to ensure correct date and number handling and the ‘Language for non-unicode programs’ option. Please note that the name of these options may differ in various versions of Windows. After changing the Windows Regional Options you can change the language in DataFlex Reports by choosing a language from the ‘Language’ menu.

Integration library

DataFlex Reports comes with an Integration library. This library allows you to seamlessly integrate reports with your DataFlex 16.0/16.1, 17.0/17.1 or 18.0/18.1/18.2 applications. The library contains an Integration Wizard and classes for integrating and viewing reports. During installation you can specify the location of the Integration library. We suggest you install the library in a subfolder of the main DataFlex directory, this allows you to add the library using relative paths. To use the Integration library and Integration Wizard in your DataFlex projects and Workspaces you must first add the library. You can do this by opening the DataFlex Studio and select the ‘Maintain Libraries…’ option from the ‘Tools’ menu. Next, you can use the ‘Add Library’ button and open the ‘DataFlex Reports XXX.sws’ file. After selecting the .sws file and clicking the ‘Ok’ button a wizard will be started which will guide you through the process of adding the library to the currently selected workspace.
For windows application, simply choose the ‘View/Report’ option from the ‘File’ menu and select the ‘DataFlex Reports Wizard’ icon. For Web applications use the ‘Web Object’ option from the ‘File’ menu.

Reporting bugs, comments and suggestions

Please report bugs to, if you have a HelpDesk Express account you can also enter reports directly at Make sure to provide as much detail as possible to define and reproduce the problem that you are reporting. Upon your report, you will be invited to use an account on our help-desk support system for reporting future issues. For further communications and information, there is a forum devoted to DataFlex Reports in the Data Access Worldwide Support Forums.

Before installing the DataFlex Reports 4.0.2 update, please uninstall your existing DataFlex Reports 4.x Developer Edition. If the setup program detects a DataFlex Reports 4.x installation, the setup will be aborted.

Important Information – Please Read Carefully

All classes, constants and files in the DataFlex Reports integration – included in this update – have been renamed as part of the rebranding of the DataFlex Reports product. For existing DataFlex Reports 3.0 applications create a backup of your existing project(s) and take the following steps to update to the 4.0.2 library:

Remove the existing DataFlex Reports library and add the DataFlex Reports 4.0.2 library to your workspace (this may require you to start the DataFlex Studio with administrator rights).

  1. Click the replace in files button in the Studio (Ctrl+Shift+H)
    1. Enter VRW in the “Text to Find” input field
    2. Enter DR in the “Text to Replace” input field
    3. Click the “Replace All” button
  2. Open the <projectname>.cfg file
    1. Replace all VRW with DR for the icons and bitmaps
  3. Search for the usage of psDatabaseCollate and remove the code. The property does not exist anymore
  4. Windows projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortColumnsGrid” with “cDRSortColumnsGrid”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “cCJSortDirectionsGridColumn” with “cDRSortDirectionsGridColumn”
  5. Web Application Framework projects
    1. Replace all occurrences of “oPDFModalDialog” with “oDRPDFModalDialog”
    2. Replace all occurrences of “Use PDFModalDialog.wo” with “Use DRPDFModalDialog.wo”
  6. Optional:
    1. Replace all “.vrw” to “.dr” in the program code
    2. Rename all reports with a VRW extension to DR

Existing reports

The .dr (or .vrw for existing reports) report definition format has changed between version 3.0 and 4.0.
Special caution with regard to this: when opening reports made with an older version it is advised to run the ‘check database’ option.

DataFlex CodeJock controls

DataFlex Reports uses the same version of the CodeJock components as DataFlex 18.0. If you uninstall DataFlex Reports you must manually run the ‘RegisterCodejockControls’ batch file in the DataFlex bin directory to ensure DataFlex 18.0 will continue to run correctly.

DataFlex Reports 2014 – 4.0.2 is developed with DataFlex 18.0. If you do not have a version 18.0 Client License running on your PC, the setup will automatically install one for you.
A DataFlex 16.0/16.1, 17.0/17.1 or 18.0/18.1 Studio license is required to use the Integration library which is part of DataFlex Reports 2014 Developer Edition.

Supported platforms

  • Microsoft Windows 8 excluding RT (32/64 bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium or higher (32/64 bit)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (32/64 bit)
  • Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 Home Premium or higher (32/64 bit)
  • Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit)
  • Windows Terminal Services when using Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008
  • Citrix XenApp when used in conjunction with other supported Windows operating systems


DataFlex Reports will run as a 60-day trial version by default. If you start DataFlex Reports you will be asked to register your version. To register, you need to purchase a license. Registering will lift the trial period. After registering your license you have a 60 day period to activate your license. Make sure to have an internet connection, and simply confirm the activation.

Changes between 4.0.1 and 4.0.2

  • HDE 4023: ‘Report appears to be damaged’ error when using ‘return 0’ in a filter function
  • HDE 4069: RDS datatypes are automatically converted to DateTime
  • HDE 3187: Round() function does not support ‘commercial’ rounding (like used in DF)
  • HDE 4018: No error message is triggered from Integration library when function contains error(s)
  • HDE 4022: Margins are shifted to the right when printing to printer
  • HDE 4007: TestFilterFunction in Integration library always returns TRUE
  • HDE 4006: Paint problem in Integration library when opening a report
  • HDE 4076: Black background when printing to some printers
  • HDE 4077: Position of page footer(s) is wrong when both the ‘hide this section’ checkbox and the ‘hide this section’ function are used
  • HDE 4078: Output is not clipped to page margins when printing to printer or exporting a report
  • HDE 4079: Database expert shows empty RDS entries

What is New in version 4.0?


DataFlex Reports 4.0 includes support for creating Charts. In the 4.0 release Area, Bar, Line and Point chart types will be available; more Chart types will follow in future versions.

Function Explorer

The new Function Explorer is a quick and convenient way to browse through all the functions defined in your reports. Both user defined and built-in functions can be queried.

RTF Export

Version 4.0 of DataFlex Reports adds support for RTF Export. The RTF (Rich Text Format) export is based on the Microsoft Word 2007 specifications.

Page Layers

In version 4.0 you can create new page layers and add them to your report(s). A report can contain any number of page layers that are embedded in the report, eliminating the need to deploy the page layers separately.


Images stored in databases (both DataFlex and ODBC) can now be used directly in DataFlex Reports. Also new is the image display option which will display an image Filled, Fitted or in the Original size within the design rectangle.


New collating files are included with DataFlex Reports version 4.0 that allow sorting based on character weight and include the code page for which the collate was created. The collate is saved in the report ensuring the same sort order with deployed reports.

Function Editor

The Function Editor included with DataFlex Reports now includes a list of all the global variables defined in the report and adds a number of new functions as well as a number of extended functions.


Other changes in version 4.0 include a font strikeout option, a new RDS sample dialog and an option to prompt for RDS data each time you preview the report, improved error reporting, the ability to add summaries in report and group headers and improved remote desktop support.

Language support

DataFlex Reports ships with support for a number of languages. Before changing the language used in DataFlex Reports you must set your Windows Regional Options to the language of your choice. This ensures that the correct (ANSI) code page is selected in Windows. You can change the Regional Options in the Windows Control Panel, for full language support you must change both the ‘Standards and formats’ option to ensure correct date and number handling and the ‘Language for non-unicode programs’ option. Please note that the name of these options may differ in various versions of Windows. After changing the Windows Regional Options you can change the language in DataFlex Reports by choosing a language from the ‘Language’ menu.

Integration library

DataFlex Reports comes with an Integration library. This library allows you to seamlessly integrate reports with your DataFlex 16.0/16.1, 17.0/17.1 or 18.0 applications. The library contains an Integration Wizard and classes for integrating and viewing reports. During installation you can specify the location of the Integration library. We suggest you install the library in a subfolder of the main DataFlex directory, this allows you to add the library using relative paths. To use the Integration library and Integration Wizard in your DataFlex projects and Workspaces you must first add the library. You can do this by opening the DataFlex Studio and select the ‘Maintain Libraries…’ option from the ‘Tools’ menu. Next, you can use the ‘Add Library’ button and open the ‘DataFlex Reports XXX.sws’ file. After selecting the .sws file and clicking the ‘Ok’ button a wizard will be started which will guide you through the process of adding the library to the currently selected workspace.
For windows application, simply choose the ‘View/Report’ option from the ‘File’ menu and select the ‘DataFlex Reports Wizard’ icon. For Web applications use the ‘Web Object’ option from the ‘File’ menu.


Reporting bugs, comments and suggestions

Please report bugs to, if you have a HelpDesk Express account you can also enter reports directly at Make sure to provide as much detail as possible to define and reproduce the problem that you are reporting.

Upon your report, you will be invited to use an account on our help-desk support system for reporting future issues.

For further communications and information, there is a forum devoted to DataFlex Reports in the Data Access Worldwide Support Forums.



Download pre-releases of DataFlex Reports 


Along with incremental bug fixes and continued improvements the Beta build also includes:

  • Error code correction option for QR barcode generator
  • Database type changes that make recognition and differentiation of database backend better
  • DB2 and RDS improvements
  • Web previewer uses ES6 classes (DF25)
  • Windows toolbar improvements

 To get started with DataFlex Reports 2025:

  • Download DataFlex Reports 2025 Beta
  • Read the What’s New in DataFlex Reports 2025 Beta section of the Help in the product
  • Share your experience in the DataFlex Reports forum



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