Many developers need to have functions to convert from one unit to another. We created a library that contains a number of classes and in each of the classes you will find the functions to convert. You will find functions to convert from Celcius to Fahrenheit and vice versa but also functions to convert from Ounces to Grams, from Gallons to Liters, from Meters to Yards, from Decimal to Hexadecimal or Octal.
The library contains the following classes:
- cAbsoluteViscosityHandler
- cAngleHandler
- cArrayHandler (Removed in v19.0)
- cBitHandler
- cEnergyHandler
- cHexHandler
- cKinematicViscosityHandler
- cLengthHandler
- cOctHandler
- cPowerHandler
- cPressureHandler
- cTemperatureHandler
- cTimeHandler
- cVelocityHandler
- cVolumeHandler
- cWeightHandler
The usage is as follows:
- Create an object of the class that contains the function
- Call the function in the object
- If you want delete the object
Example code
Get Create (RefClass (cHexHandler)) To hoHexHandler
Get IsHex Of hoHexHandler "0D0A" To bIsHex
Send Destroy Of hoHexHandler
Object oTemperatureConvertor Is A cTemperatureHandler
Get CelciusToFahrenheit Of oTemperatureConvertor 14.5 To nFahrenheit
- Convert values from one unit to another unit
- Easier to use than find out the correct constant for the calculation yourself